Downtown Areas

Fill commercial areas with luminaires tailored to downtown applications, from high mounted roadway lighting to decorative street lighting. Pair with controls for complete, energy-efficient solutions.

    Cyclone Lupa
    Lupa SIDE-MOUNT - LUPI6A | Cyclone - deco-functional outdoor luminaires, brightening outdoor environments with pure determination.
    Cyclone Mochi
    Mochi PENDANT - MOCP1 | Cyclone - deco-functional outdoor luminaires, brightening outdoor environments with pure determination.
    Cyclone Tribeca
    Tribeca SIDE-MOUNT - BECS1A / BECS2A | Cyclone - deco-functional outdoor luminaires, brightening outdoor environments with pure determination.
    Cyclone Trika
    Trika POST TOP - TRIT4A | Cyclone - deco-functional outdoor luminaires, brightening outdoor environments with pure determination.

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