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     * Products are not certified or approved for use as medical devices by the FDA.

   ** Refer to product specification sheets at for efficacy claims and claim substantiation regarding specific products and pathogens.

  *** All references to “disinfection” are referring generally to bioburden reduction and are not intended to refer to any specific definition of the term as may be used for other purposes by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Bioburden reduction of is a function of fixture run time and the distance to the UV light source, airflow, room size, shadow areas and/or other factors, and the level of reduction will vary within a specific space. This fixture is not intended for use in the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease and is not certified or approved for use as a medical device by the FDA. It is the obligation of the end-user to consult with appropriately qualified Professional Engineer(s), a Certified Infection Control professional and a Certified Industrial Hygienist, as applicable, to determine whether this fixture meets the applicable requirements for system performance, code compliance, safety (including safety and hazard alerting signs), suitability and effectiveness for use in a particular application design. In no event will Acuity Brands Lighting be responsible for any loss resulting from any use of this fixture in an application design.

**** Material and labor savings calculated using nLight IECC 2021 application code guide recommendations for classroom spaces, comparing nLight wired networked controls with sensor and power packs to wireless networked embedded controls from nLight. Labor savings may vary depending on region.


Illuminating Healthcare Spaces Nano-CEU Webinar Series

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