SLOT 4 Legacy Pendant, Surface, Wall

SLOT 4 legacy pendant, surface, and wall linear lighting solutions Abandonnées
    DLC PremiumTunable WhiteBuy America(n) Option AvailableBuy America(n) Option Available
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Size 2FT, 3FT, 4FT, 5FT, 6FT, 7FT, 8FT, 12FT
Light Source LED - Dynamic, LED - Static
Composantes dynamiques Tunable White
Lumens 350 LM, 400 LM, 450 LM, 500 LM, 550 LM, 600 LM, 650 LM, 700 LM, 750 LM, 800 LM, 850 LM, 900 LM, 950 LM, 1000 LM, 1050 LM, 1100 LM, 1150 LM, 1200 LM, 1250 LM, 1300 LM
CCT / LED Color 2700 K, 3000 K, 3500 K, 4000 K, 5000 K
CRI 80, 90
Type de produit Linear
Liste de conformité BAA and BABA, Declare, DLC Premium
Certification environnementale Damp Location
Inscription réglementaire CSA
Protocole de gradation 0-10V, DALI, DMX
Light Distribution Asymmetric indirect, Batwing, Wall Graze, Wall Wash
Types de fixations Pendant, Surface
Fixture Wattage 15.4, 16.6, 16.8, 21.7, 22.1, 23.4, 23.5, 23.6, 29.3, 30.2, 31.9, 32, 32.2, 35, 37, 37.1, 37.2, 37.3, 37.5, 40.1, 40.4, 44.7, 45.2, 45.6, 45.7, 48.6, 48.8, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59, 61, 62, 67, 69, 72, 74
Tension 120, 120-277, 277, 347

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  • Produits de remplacement suggérés

    SLOT 4 Wall

    Wall mount linear lighting offering direct, indirect, or direct|indirect in both static & tunable white

    SLOT 4 Pendant Pattern

    Suspended linear pattern lighting offering direct, indirect, or direct|indirect, with corners from 40° to 160° and 90° T and X connectors.

    SLOT 4 Wall Pattern

    Wall mounted linear pattern lighting offering direct, indirect, or direct|indirect, with inside and outside corners from 40° to 160°.

    SLOT 4 Surface Pattern

    Surface linear pattern lighting with corners from 40° to 160° and 90° T and X connectors.

    SLOT 4 Pendant

    Suspended linear lighting offering direct, indirect, or direct|indirect in both static & tunable white PDM Group

    SLOT 4 Surface

    Surface mount linear lighting offering both static & tunable white


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    Fiche technique S4LWI TUWH WALL.pdf Slot 4 PSW LED Wall Indirect Tunable White 1/13/2022 Voir
    Fiche technique S4LWI Wall.pdf Slot 4 PSW LED Wall Indirect 1/13/2022 Voir
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    Instructions d'installation INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS BIDIRECT PENDANT.pdf Slot PSW BIDIRECT PENDANT (S2LID, S4LID) 2/22/2022 Voir
    Instructions d'installation INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS DIRECT PENDANT.pdf Slot PSW DIRECT PENDANT (S2LD, S4LD) 2/22/2022 Voir
    Instructions d'installation INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS DIRECT WALL.pdf Slot PSW DIRECT WALL (S2LWD, S4LWD) 2/22/2022 Voir
    Instructions d'installation INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS INDIRECT PENDANT.pdf Slot PSW INDIRECT PENDANT (S2LI, S4LI) 2/22/2022 Voir
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    Instructions d'installation install-instructions-bidirect-wall.pdf Slot PSW INDIRECT/DIRECT WALL (S2LWID, S4LWID) 2/22/2022 Voir
    Instructions d'installation install-instructions-direct-surface.pdf Slot PSW DIRECT SURFACE (S2LS, S4LS) 2/22/2022 Voir
    Instructions d'installation NLIGHT_Air_Installation.pdf nLight Air 3/22/2021 Voir
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